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TLB is  a free online tutoring and mentorship service available to all students. Sign up now to start your journey to academic success.

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About us

The Learning Bridge is a not for profit organization run by passionate youth volunteers. Founded during March 2020 in light of the school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we strive to bridge the education gap that has ensued because of remote learning.  At TLB, we want to echo and appreciate teacher's efforts by providing  FREE TUTORING LESSONS and resources for all  students around the world from K-12. 

TLB Info on current popularity for homep
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Parent of a Grade 3 student

She  is always asking me when the next lesson is. Thank you for organizing this.

Parent of a Grade 6 student

My son is able to ask [the tutor] as many questions as he has and the tutor has been patient with all of it.

Parent of a Grade 6 student

It's one of the only interactions that [the student] gets outside of home and its always so positive

Parent of a Grade 11 student

It was always so hard for my daughter to keep up with schoolwork but some encouragement is what she needed, so it's great!

Parent of a Grade 7 student

[The tutor] is always sending us very helpful videos after every lesson and that makes is to easy to understand what he taught

Articles and Features

Because Learning Bridge is a non-profit organization, we accept donations and funds. Any amount of money will benefit towards bettering your child's education through resources and development. We hope to stay a non profit organization and take pride in providing free access to education for all students. 

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©2023 by Learning Bridge

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